
  • 姓名:姚詠文
  • Email:magyao@gm.ttu.edu.tw
  • 單位系所/職稱:
  • 應用外語學系 助理教授


  • 1.姚詠文、柯艾倫(2020)。全英語教學在大學課程中的挑戰。臺灣教育評論月刊,9(9),41-44。TSSCI
  • 2.姚詠文、柯艾倫(2020)。全英語教學在大學課程中的挑戰 The Challenges of EMI Courses in Taiwan。臺灣教育評論月刊,9(8),41-44。
  • 3. Yung-Wen, (Mag), Yao(2017). Chinas Modern Image — Contemporary Chinese Art. JOURNAL FOR CULTURAL RESEARCH, (1), 51-75. SSCI


  • 1.姚詠文、林楷潔、翁鉅奇(2020)。淺論群募集資時代設計者(designer)與使用者(end user)之教學合作計畫。2020敘事力暨跨域教學論壇(頁 4)。R.O.C。
  • 2. Yung-Wen, (Mag), Yao(2013). Contemporary Chinese art: the tension between an autocratic government and an emerging force of populism. Cultural Typhoon. Japan.
  • 3. Yung-Wen, (Mag), Yao(2012). China’s cultural diplomacy: A case study on the Chinese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Current Research into East Asia Visual Culture. United Kingdom.


  • 1. Yung-Wen Yao(2024). Rethinking Displays of Chinese Contemporary Art. Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-2906-7#toc 專書篇章,發表〈Writing ‘New’ History: Investigating the Anxiety of Taiwan’s Cultural Identity Through Three Exhibitions at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum〉.