
  • 姓名:趙琇芬
  • Email:fen@ttu.edu.tw
  • 單位系所/職稱:
  • 應用外語學系 講師


  • 1. Hsiu-fen Chao(2016). A Critique on the Placement Assessement System at a University in Northern Taiwan. 大同學報, (30).
  • 2. Hsiu-fen Chao, Ying Liang(2014). The Analysis of Classroom Discourse from a Socio-cultural Perspective. 大同大學通識教育年報, (10), 1 - 22.
  • 3. Hsiu-fen Chao(2006). Student Motivation on Learning English in the Context of Classroom Learning. Tatung Journal of General Education, (2), 33 - 48.
  • 4. Hsiu-fen Chao(2005). The Role of Motivation and Motivating Factors in Second Language Learning. Tatung Journal of General Education, 1, 223 - 235.
  • 5. Hsiu-fen Chao(2005). A Review of Two Books on Teaching English Pronunciations. Tatung Journal of General Education, (1), 237 - 250.


  • 1. Hsiu-fen Chao(2010). College English Teachers Perceptions on Grouping Practice: A Case Study. 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference. R.O.C.
  • 2. Hsiu-fen Chao(2009). An exploratory case study of the grouping practice on a compulsory college English course in Taiwan: the effects on teaching and learning. 2009 Inaugural All Ireland Conference for Doctoral Researchers in Education. United Kingdom.


  • 1.陳淑敏、李懿純、趙琇芬(2022)。SDGs與台灣教育場域實踐-和平與正義。全華圖書。撰寫部分篇章:和平與正義,頁375-392。。