
  • 姓名:謝富惠
  • Email:hsiehfh@ttu.edu.tw
  • 單位系所/職稱:
  • 應用外語學系 主任
  • 外語教育中心 主任
  • 國際學院 院長


  • 1.謝富惠(2022)。台灣南島語「說」動詞語義現象初探。台灣語文研究,17(1),47-92。THCI
  • 2. Fuhui Hsieh, Michael Tanangkingsi(2021). The pragmatic functions of dummy terms in two Austronesian languages. Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 52, 51-71.
  • 3.謝富惠(2019)。排灣語疑問詞語意範疇及其延伸途徑。台灣語文研究,14(1),1 - 44。THCI
  • 4.謝富惠(2017)。賽夏語領屬句構相關議題初探。台灣語文研究,12(1),71 - 110。THCI
  • 5. Hsieh, Fuhui(2017). Conceptualization of TIME in Kavalan and Saisiyat. Selected Papers from the 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 4, 17-35.
  • 6. Hsieh, Fuhui(2016). On the development of the lexeme aya in Paiwan. Oceanic Linguistics, 55(1), 225-245. AHCI
  • 7. Hsieh, Fuhui(2012). On the Grammaticalization of the Kavalan SAY Verb zin. Oceanic Linguistics, 51(2), 464-489. AHCI
  • 8.曾美鳳、梁穎、張文漢、謝富惠(2012)。大同大學校內英檢題庫建置與初期成果。大同大學通識教育年報,8,79-99。
  • 9. Fuhui Hsieh(2011). The Conceptualization of Emotion Events in Three Formosan Languages: Kavalan, Paiwan and Saisiyat. Oceanic Linguistics, 50(1), 65-92. AHCI
  • 10. Hsieh, Fuhui(2009). Repetition in Social Interaction: A Case Study on Mandarin Conversation. International Journal of Asian Languages Processing, 19(4), 153-168.
  • 11. Sung, Li-may, Su, Lily I-wen, Hsieh, Fuhui, Lin, Zhemin(2008). Developing an Online Corpus of Formosan Languages.. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 6(2), 79-118. THCI
  • 12. Su, Lily I-wen, Sung, Li-May, Huang, Shuping, Hsieh, Fuhui, Lin, Zhemin(2008). NTU Corpus of Formosan Languages: A state-of-the-art report. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 4(2), 291-294.
  • 13. Hsieh, Fuhui(2008). Pragmatic Inferencing and Sense Extension: the Mandarin dao. Tatung Journal of General Education, (4), 157 - 179.
  • 14. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2006). The Pragmatics of Case Marking in Saisiyat. Oceanic Linguistics, 45(1), 91-109. AHCI
  • 15. Fuhui Hsieh(2006). The Accusative Case in the Formosan Languages. Tatung Journal of General Education, (2), 1 - 32.
  • 16. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2005). Grammar, Construction and Social Action: A Study of the Qi2shi2 Construction. Language and Linguistics, 6(4), :599-634.
  • 17. Fuhui Hsieh(2005). Mandarin Jiu in Discourse: from Motion Verb to Discourse Marker. Tatung Journal of General Education, (1), 187 - 205.
  • 18. Fuhui Hsieh(2005). The Use of Shenme in Interaction. Tatung Journal of General Education, (1), 207-222.


  • 1. Fuhui Hsieh(2022). A Typological Study on the Syntax of SAY verbs in Formosan Languages. 31st Annual Meeting of Southeast Linguistics Society (SEALS31). United States of America.
  • 2.謝富惠(2020)。臺灣南島語「說」動詞的語意探討。土地、語言與時間:臺灣原住民族學術研討會R.O.C。
  • 3. Fuhui Hsieh(2020). The morphosyntax and semantics of SAY verbs in Formosan languages. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2020). Romania.
  • 4. Fuhui Hsieh(2019). The Adverbs in Kavalan. SEALS 2019. Japan.
  • 5. Fuhui Hsieh(2019). A-not-A tag questions as discourse markers in Mandarin Daily Conversations.. The 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA-16). Hong Kong.
  • 6. Fuhui Hsieh(2018). The Syntax and Semantics of Stative Verbs in Kavalan. The VIII Syntax of the World’s Languages (SWL-8). France.
  • 7. Fuhui Hsieh(2018). Time Conceptualization in Paiwan. SEALS 2018. R.O.C.
  • 8. Fuhui Hsieh(2016). Conceptualization of TIME in Kavalan. 26th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SAELS 26). Philippines.
  • 9. Fuhui Hsieh(2015). Conceptualization of TIME in Two Formosan Languages. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. United Kingdom.
  • 10. Fuhui Hsieh(2015). Issues Related to Possessive Constructions in Kavalan and Saisiyat. The 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. United Kingdom.
  • 11. Fuhui Hsieh(2013). Ethnosyntax of Somatic Illnesses in Two Formosan Languages. The 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Canada.
  • 12. Fuhui Hsieh(2012). Multi-verb Constructions in Paiwan. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (12-ICAL). Indonesia.
  • 13. Fuhui Hsieh(2011). The Pragmatic Functions of the First Personal Pronouns in Kavalan. The 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL-20). Japan.
  • 14. Fuhui Hsieh(2010). Syntactic Coding of Sequentially Temporal Events in Paiwan. Syntax of the Worlds Languages IV (SWL4). France.
  • 15. Fuhui Hsieh, Ying Liang(2009). Repetition in Mandarin Interaction: A Case Study on Shopping Channels in Taiwan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Languages Processing, IEEE CPS. United States of America.
  • 16. Fuhui Hsieh(2008). The Use of Empty Roots in Some Austronesian Languages: Convergence of Language, Communication and Cognition. International Conference of Language, Communication and Cognition. United Kingdom.
  • 17. Fuhui Hsieh(2007). Beyond Transitivity and Ergativity: The si-(RF) Construction in Saisiyat. Beyond Focus and Ergativity: Towards a More Comprehensive View of Austronesian Morphosyntax. Germany.
  • 18. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2007). Documenting Kavalan: A report on our field experience. International Conference on Austronesian Endangered Language Documentation. R.O.C.
  • 19. Fuhui Hsieh, Ying Liang(2007). Pragmatic Inferencing and Sense Extension: the Mandarin dao. The 52nd Annual Conference of International Linguistics Association (52 ILA). R.O.C.
  • 20. Fuhui Hsieh(2006). The si-construction in Saisiyat: Window connecting the world and the mind. The Fourth International Conference on Construction Grammar. Japan.
  • 21. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2006). Emotion and Affect in four Formosan languages. The AFLA XIII. R.O.C.
  • 22. Fuhui Hsieh, Chihsin Chen(2006). Nominalization and Relativization in Kavalan Revisited. The Tenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (10-ICAL). Philippines.
  • 23. Fuhui Hsieh, Michael Tanangkingsi(2006). The Empty Root in Cebuano and Kavalan: A Cognitive Perspective. The Tenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (10-ICAL). Philippines.
  • 24. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2004). Grammar, Construction and Social Action. The Ninth International Symposium on Chinese Langauges and Lingusitics (IsCLL-9). R.O.C.
  • 25. Fuhui Hsieh, Shuanfan Huang(2004). The Pragmatics of the Case Marking System of Saisiyat. Annual Conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL-2004). R.O.C.
  • 26. Fuhui Hsieh(2003). Mandarin Chinese Shenme in Interaction. Language, Information and Computation. Singapore.
  • 27. Fuhui Hsieh(2003). Mandarin Adverbial Jiu in Discourse. Language, Information and Computation. Singapore.


  • 1. Fuhui Hsieh(2023). Handbook of Formosan Languages: The Indigenous Languages of Taiwan, a significant milestone in Formosan linguistics. Brill. An Overview of Grammaticalization in Formosan Languages. In Handbook of Formosan Languages: The Indigenous Languages of Taiwan, a significant milestone in Formosan linguistics, eds. by Paul Jen-kuei Li, Elizabeth Zeitoun and Rik de Busser, 420~447. Brill..
  • 2. Fuhui Hsieh(2023). Kavalan. Brill. In Handbook of Formosan Languages: The Indigenous Languages of Taiwan, a significant milestone in Formosan linguistics, eds. by Paul Jen-kuei Li, Elizabeth Zeitoun and Rik de Busser,680~712. Brill..
  • 3.謝富惠、宋佳興、李佩容(2022)。排灣語詞類及其教學。財團法人原住民族語言研究發展基金會。
  • 4.謝富惠(2022)。噶瑪蘭語詞類及其教學。財團法人原住民族語言研究發展基金會。
  • 5.謝富惠(2016)。噶瑪蘭語語法概論。原住民族委員會。
  • 6. Shuanfan Huang(2015). The sa construction in Paiwan, in New Advances in Formosan Linguistics. Asia-Pacific Linguistics/ The Australian Unviersity. ed. by E. Zeitoun, S. Teng, and J. Wu, pp.313-339.
  • 7. Shuanfan Huang(2011). The functions of -an and =ay in Kavalan. In Nominalization in Asian Langauges: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ed. by F. Yap, K Grunow-Harsta, and J. Wrona, pp.499-522..
  • 8. Shuanfan Huang(2008). Documenting and Revitalizing Austronesian Languages. University of Hawaii Press. ed. by Victoria Rau and Margaret Florey.