
  • 姓名:林家華
  • Email:chiahualin@ttu.edu.tw
  • 單位系所/職稱:
  • 媒體設計學系 主任
  • 設計科學研究所 助理教授


  • 1. Tzu-Chun Ma, Chia-Hua Lin(2024). Integration of Narrative Strategies in Poster Design Education for Southeast Asian Students. Innovation on Design and Culture, 3(2), 38-48.
  • 2. Tzu-Chun Ma, Chia-Hua Lin, Shu-Ni Hsu(2023). Exploring Learning Effectiveness of Narrative Curriculum in Guiding Design Concepts for Southeast Asian Students. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, Vol.3(Iss.3), 8-19.
  • 3.張于敏、林家華(2023)。預見風格創新教學法 (CSITM) 融入時尚畫課程 之研究。實踐設計學報,(18)。
  • 4.林家華(2021)。觀點革命:後設認知在策展企劃教學之應用對設計科系學生認知策略之轉化歷程及學習成效之研究。設計學報,26(2),111-134。THCI
  • 5. Chia-Hua Lin, Hsiao-Ching Huang(2018). A Model for the Instructional Factors of Curatorial Teaching in Design Education. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 5(3), 63-71.
  • 6.林家華(2018)。設計策展實務教學與展覽體驗影響因素之研究。藝術教育研究期刊,35,33-67。TSSCI
  • 7.林家華、林楷潔、吳志富、張開國、黃明正、許慈文(2016)。交流道出口標誌設計對駕駛者認知之影響。設計學報,21(1)。THCI
  • 8.周彥君、林家華(2015)。以自然永續理念探討蒲葵工藝應用於窗飾之初探研究。Journal of Advanced Engineering 先進工程學刊,10。


  • 1. I-Hsuan Huang, Chia-Hua Lin(2024). Compare the user experience and credibility of the interface of the pet disease website. Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 2.羅伊茜、林家華(2021)。以TOE架構探討臺灣工藝性地方產業之中小企 業主要影響因子分析。台灣數位媒體設計國際學術研討會/The 2021 International Conference on Taiwan Digital Media DesignR.O.C。
  • 3.陳侑廷、林家華(2021)。地震速報訊息之使用者經驗分析。台灣數位媒體設計國際學術研討會/The 2021 International Conference on Taiwan Digital Media DesignR.O.C。
  • 4. Chia-Hua Lin(2021). Recognizability of Pictograms for Building Fire Evacuation. IASDR2021 -The ninth Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research. Mainland China.
  • 5.林禹馨、林家華(2020)。學齡前兒童對鄰里公園中兒童遊戲區之圖像認知繪畫研究。2020 中華民國設計學會第 25 屆學術成果研討會R.O.C。
  • 6.蔡世元、林家華(2020)。非連鎖咖啡店商標設計元素與情感之研究。2020 中華民國設計學會第 25 屆學術成果研討會R.O.C。
  • 7. Chia-Hua Lin(2019). Exploring User Recognition of Motion Pictograms Designed for Providing Disaster-Related Information. International Association of Societies of Design Research. United Kingdom.
  • 8.林家華、陳明涓、岩根えり子(2018)。台湾の大学と日本の地方自治体及び企業(秋田県横手市)による国際交流の取り組み。Venezia ICJLE 2018Italy。
  • 9. Chia-Hua Lin(2017). Research of Key Factors Influencing Learning Effectiveness of Curatorial Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences. Thailand.
  • 10. Chiang Ping-Hsuan, Lin Chia-Hua(2017). A Feasibility Study of Motion Pictogram and Signs. The 64th conference of Japanese Society of Science of Design. Japan.
  • 11. Hu Jui-Wen, Lin Chia-Hua(2017). A Study on Medical Pictogram Design Co-created by Participants from Different Backgrounds. The 64th conference of Japanese Society of Science of Design. Japan.
  • 12. Yen-Fu Chen, Chia-Hua Lin(2016). A review on creativity tools used in participatory action research and its design activities. Japanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 13. Wei-Ting Shen, Chia-Hua Lin(2016). The Constructs of Formation of an Independent Bookstore and Typological Analysis. apanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 14. Chun-Tzu Ma, Chia-Hua Lin(2016). The Business Strategies of an Industry Brand Reengineering and the Evolution of the Brand Logo Identification Style. Japanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 15. Shuan-Neng Lin, Chia-Hua Lin(2016). The Effect of Brand Experience and Brand Equity on Library. Japanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 16. Chia-Hua Lin, Yen-Fu Chen(2016). Participatory action research: Rethinking the differences between design strategies in Taiwan and Japan. Japanese Society for the Science of Design. Japan.
  • 17.黃筱晴、林家華(2015)。体験マーケティングの観点からブランド街の環境体験に関する研究ー台北の中山北路ブランド街として。日本デザイン学会第62回研究発表大会Japan。
  • 18. Chia-Hua Lin(2014). A Study on Audiences Experience Affect Experiential Value from the Curating Points of View: Taking the Exhibition of Isomer-Teaching Achievements as an Example. The 2nd International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM 2014). Japan.
  • 19. C.-H. Lin, Kai-Chieh Lin, Cherng-Yee Leung, Cheng-Hung Huang, Tzu-Wen Hsu, Chih-Fu Wu(2013). Graphic Recognition on Highway Diagrammatic Guide Sign. 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research. Japan.
  • 20. K.-C. Lin, C.-H. Huang, C.-H. Lin, C.-F. Wu(2012). A founding model of applying universal design to product development process-hand tool as an example. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,POSTER PRESENTATION. United States of America.
  • 21. C. H. Lin(2010). Visual Design System for the Interpretation of National Parks- Case Study of Taiwanese National Parks. Proceedings of 57th Annual Conference of JSSD. Japan.
  • 22. C. H. Lin(2009). Visual Design Management Model of the U.S., the U.K., Japan and Taiwan. Proceedings of 56th Annual Conference of JSSD. Japan.
  • 23. C. H. Lin, Nishikawa Kiyoshi(2007). Interpretation and Information Management in U.S. National Parks-A Case Study of Harpers Ferry Center. Proceedings of 54th Annual Conference of JSSD. Hong Kong.


  • 1. Chia-Hua Lin(2023). Design for Emergency Management. Taylor & Francis / Routledge. 初版,文章為專書的第11章。https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003306771 https://www.routledge.com/Design-for-Emergency-Management/Manen-Jaenichen-Lin-Kremer-Ramirez/p/book/9781032285030#.
  • 2.林家華、陳彥甫、陳明涓(2018)。感受百年歲月—日本橫手市增田町工作營成果彙編。林家華。
  • 3.西川潔、林家華、白珊瑜(2017)。指示標誌系統的設計法則:以醫療福祉設施為例。桑格:台北。出版日期是:2016/01/22 出版網址:https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010705132?sloc=main 主要為翻譯書籍。。
  • 4.吳志富、梁成一、黃臣鴻、林家華(2013)。以視覺人因探討圖形化指示標誌之設計原則。交通部運輸研究所。